Crossing a sea on dry land. Atravessando o mar sobre terreno.
Water is time after time present in the Old and New Testaments in contexts that are familiar to our students (eating,drinking,cleaning,watering,fishing...) but also in less known contexts, namely with spiritual purposes. Bible and water are closely related to people and life/Life. It is our responsibility to conserve them and pass them on to the future generations impolluted.Let's do our best.
Crossing the Red Sea - A Travessia do Mar Vermelho
Excerto do filme Príncipe do Egipto.Excerpt from film The Prince of Egypt.
Waters parted... As águas separaram-se... A wall on the right, a wall on the left as they crossed on foot. Uma parede à direita, outra parede à esquerda quando atravessaram o rio a pé.
Waters parted... As águas separaram-se... A wall on the right, a wall on the left as they crossed on foot. Uma parede à direita, outra parede à esquerda quando atravessaram o rio a pé.
The origin of the universe and water- A origem do universo e a água
A video spoken in Portuguese based on Genesis and the progress of a painting on Creation.
Um video falado em Português, baseado em Génesis e documentando o progresso de pintura sobre a Criação.
Um video falado em Português, baseado em Génesis e documentando o progresso de pintura sobre a Criação.
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