Water is time after time present in the Old and New Testaments in contexts that are familiar to our students (eating,drinking,cleaning,watering,fishing...) but also in less known contexts, namely with spiritual purposes. Bible and water are closely related to people and life/Life. It is our responsibility to conserve them and pass them on to the future generations impolluted.Let's do our best.
Portuguese and Finnish Students get acquainted talking about water now and in Old Testament times
Alunos Portugueses da Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor receberam alunos Filandeses de parceria etwinning de um outro projecto. O assunto que os levou a comunicar ( em inglês ) para preencher questionário, foi o tema da água nos respectivos quotidianos, tendo realizado de seguida, em aula de inglês conjunta, um trabalho de ilustração de dois textos do Velho Testamento que revelam que a natureza humana não mudou grande coisa. Etwinning Finnish pupils and Portuguese students from Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor met to talk about water in their daily routines and proceeded to a common lesson of English where they were told two short Old Testament texts that they illustrated and wrote subtitles on them. Human nature, after all these years did not improve much.
Here are some photos.
a água,
clean water,
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