
WaterFor Life Romanian Partner came to pay us a visit in Lisbon - Visita da parceira romena deste projecto

Dorina Marin came to Lisbon and visited the Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor School.She had the opportunity to meet some of the students that work on the WaterforLife project, to be interviewed by them and to take a look in person at some of the outcomes exhibited in the library / media center of the Portuguese school. There were pamphlets written in English with instructions on how to wisely use water in the homes and communities and also illustrations on a Bible text that refers to strong repeated quarrelling due to scarcity of water in the days of Isaac and how the situation was overcome.We had the chance to offer our Romanian Partner some gifts from Portugal and a Thank You Certificate for all her commitment. She won contests with work done with her students for this project and was distinguished with the Romanian Quality etwinning label.


Our WaterforLife AcrossTheBible Tea - O nosso Chá para encontro de escolas portuguesas envolvidas

On the 5th October we had a holiday in Portugal. In spite of many of us having a long weekend, some ATB Teachers and Cooperators met for a cosy Friendship Tea to celebrate the beginning of the eight year of AcrossTheBible work in Portugal and the two years of work on the topic WATER. Besides the ATB cake and other tasty food, we had songs of praise in English and Nigerian by a dear Nigerian couple and the delivery of ATB Certificates of Cooperation in the project. It was a way to say thank you to the ones present and also to the ones that are now viewing these photos but were unable to come. It was the moment to enjoy each one's company and share personal thoughts in an informal background full of references to water: the grass, the flowers, the trees around, the clothes hanging line, the tea...
Thank you so much to all that have been cooperating so far and have done this project RELEVANT both in Portugal and in our partner European schools. Your contributions were most welcome and appreciated. But let us thank above all the One that gives us life and ability to proceed with love in our work for our students and communities.




Project Exhibitions in Schools and outside Schools- Exposições em Escolas e fora delas

Several exhibitions have been promoted presenting the students' outcomes on Water Bible Texts and also research, flyers, brochures on issues related to water in our days.
Várias exposições têm sido organizadas para apresentar o trabalho feito pelos alunos sobre textos da Bíblia com contextos referentes à água e também pesquisa por eles desenvolvida sobre as questões da água nos nossos dias e recolhida em forma de folheto, brochura.
You can some photos posted here taken at those exhibitions. One of them took place in the Portuguese Institute of Youth in Lisbon, where several Teachers, Students, Parents, Relatives met together to award prizes to the best outcomes presented to the Contest Meanings of Water in the Bible.
Aqui estão alguns testemunhos de uma das exposições no Instituto Português da Juventude em Lisboa, onde se reuniram representantes de várias escolas portuguesas,Professores,Alunos, Pais, Familiares e Amigos vieram premiar os melhores trabalhos concorrente ao Concurso Sentidos da Água na Bíblia.


Our German Partner Site - o site da nossa escola parceira na Alemanha

Here you can have some information on the work developed in our Partner School Peter Petersen Schule in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


Portuguese and Finnish Students get acquainted talking about water now and in Old Testament times

Alunos Portugueses da Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor receberam alunos Filandeses de parceria etwinning de um outro projecto. O assunto que os levou a comunicar ( em inglês ) para preencher questionário, foi o tema da água nos respectivos quotidianos, tendo realizado de seguida, em aula de inglês conjunta, um trabalho de ilustração de dois textos do Velho Testamento que revelam que a natureza humana não mudou grande coisa. Etwinning Finnish pupils and Portuguese students from Escola Secundária Rainha Dona Leonor met to talk about water in their daily routines and proceeded to a common lesson of English where they were told two short Old Testament texts that they illustrated and wrote subtitles on them. Human nature, after all these years did not improve much.
Here are some photos.

Newsarticles about our project - Notícias sobre o nosso projecto

On of these articles was published in a magazine that is widely distributed in the Portuguese Middle and Secondary schools. The article referred to the project's concern to make youngsters aware of the need to carefully manage water and the creativity to associate it with texts of the Bible to illustrate practical issues.

Uma notícia sobre o projecto pode ser vista na página 13 ( page 13 ) da edição de Maio de 2010 da Forum Estudante( in the May 2010 issue of Forum Estudante)
On the other hand I was given the opportunity to write an article for the APPI- Portuguese Association of Teachers of English. The article was called Rock of Ages and pointed out the the relevance of the Bible values and of water in our daily lives. This article was a sequence to my having been a speaker on the project in the previous national conference.

WaterforLifeacrossTheBible and Nowadays exhibition

22nd March, a day among other days where we are to remember the central importance of water in our lives and for the world in general. The more water we have access to, the greater responsibility we have to use it wisely and share it with others who have less than we have.

WaterforLifeacrossTheBible and nowadays is an etwinning project that brings together two legacies from the past to the future: Water and the Bible.

Water in the Bible is associated to different contexts acquiring different meanings. Too much water as in the Flood was far from a blessing to those outside the ark; too little water as described in drought situations led to conflicts and even violence.

Here are photos of an exhibition in a Secondary School in Lisbon, where the two legacies are brought together with work produced by students from different schools.